Banning and Restricting Users

    At Altlife.Community, we strive to create a safe environment for all our users.

    We take reports of inappropriate behaviour, such as hate, abuse, illegal activities and breaches of our Terms and Social Standards seriously, and always investigate and act on them. We also restrict access to the site to those who have not been verified. This is for the benefit of the whole community, as it helps to stop minors from engaging, reduces the amount of bot accounts and scam accounts.

    Accounts which are not verified will be deleted each month.

    We also reserve the right to remove content that does not meet our policies.

    If we receive reports of inappropriate, abusive, toxic or potentially policy-breaking content, we investigate and take it down. If we do remove content, we notify the owner and provide reasons for the removal.

    In the event that a user is misusing our services or has had reports against them, we reserve the right to restrict access to features of the site, either temporarily or permanently. If we believe it is not a serious misuse or breach, we may issue a warning and explain the consequences should the user continue to break our policies. Temporary restrictions can last anywhere from 24 hours to 7 days, and repeat offenders may be permanently restricted or banned

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