Ticket Information - buy online
FPE 2023 Full Weekend ($95.00) [47 remaining]
This ticket is a full registration to Florida Power Exchange 2023. This ticket includes all Thursday to Sunday activities! Thursday Fun Night, Title Contest, Cigar Social, Classes, Pool Parties, Dance Parties, Little Activities, Dungeon Play, Town Council, and much more!!
Early Bird - $85 (Dec 9 '22)
Regular Price - $95 (May 16 '23)
Late Price - $105 (Oct 1 '23)
Florida Power Exchange is an annual conference that celebrates and educates on the diverse Power Exchange dynamics lived throughout the world. We hope to accomplish this by providing a safe and inclusive space for all dynamics, races, genders, sexualities, and abilities. We hope to maintain an environment that fosters an opportunity to learn, share, and come together in a way that unifies us all as unique, goal-oriented individuals to create a stronger and more understanding community for us and future generations. Florida Power Exchange celebrates you.